

Sarimelati Kencana, also known as Pizza Hut Indonesia, has listed around 604 million new shares from Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on Wednesday (05/23). The company’s stock code is PZZA. The company’s public offering was conducted on May 17-18, 2018, and the allotment period on May 21, 2018. With the offering....


Newly established state-owned gas subholding company PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), which acquired 51 percent shares in Pertagas, a subsidiary of state energy giant Pertamina, on Friday must disburse US$1.2 billion, according to a public auditor assigned to valuating the shares. The integration of PGN and Pertagas has been dubbed as the final phase for Pertamina....


Companies Reschedule IPO Plans Over Volatile Market Several companies have announced their intention to reschedule plans for an initial public offering (IPO) due to ongoing volatility in the domestic stock market. Pipe manufacturer PT Wahana Duta Jaya Rucika is among the companies to postpone its IPO, Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) director Samsul Hidayat said on....


Go-Jek Explores First IPO of a Billion-Dollar Indonesian Startup PT Go-Jek Indonesia PT could become the country’s first-billion dollar startup to hold an initial public offering after the transport and technology company met with the nation’s equity market. Executives led by Go-Jek President Andre Soelistyo met with officials from the Indonesia Stock Exchange in Jakarta....


TOKOPEDIA ANNOUNCES THE  ACQUISITION OF BRIDESTORY AND PARENTSTORY   JAKARTA, – Tokopedia CEO William Tanuwijaya announced the acquisition of a company engaged in the marriage directory vendor, Bridestory and child activity marketplace, ParentStory today, Wednesday (06/19/2019). “What I can announce today is that BrideStory and ParentStory were fully acquired by Tokopedia. Tokopedia wants to....

  Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Perusahaan manajer investasi, PT Sinarmas Asset Management mencatatkan produk Dana Investasi Real Estate (DIRE) Simas Plaza Indonesia di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan total portfolio senilai Rp 10,4 triliun. Underlying aset DIRE tersebut yakni 95,37% saham PT Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk (PLIN) dan 100% saham PT Sarana Mitra Investama, yang memiliki saham di....


Indonesia-based ride-hailing startup Go-Jek on Wednesday announced its acquisition of Bengaluru-based AirCTO, an Artificial Intelligence- based recruitment platform, for an undisclosed amount. Go-Jek will use the acquisition to open its second engineering and product development center in Gurgaon, according to the company’s statement. As part of the deal, the AirCTO team will join Go-Jek with...., Surabaya – PT Insera Sena yang merupakan produsen sepeda merek Polygon masih mengkaji rencana pengambilalihan PT Wijaya Indonesia Makmur Bicycle (WIM), penghasil sepeda Wimcycle. Direktur Insera Sena William Gozali mengatakan, saat ini manajemen belum mengambil keputusan apa-apa terkait hal tersebut. ’’Kami terus mengkaji,” ujarnya, Rabu (8/5). Sebelumnya, Insera Sena dikabarkan mengambil alih saham sekaligus kewajiban utang....


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — PT Krakatau Steel Tbk tengah melakukan program restrukturisasi guna memperbaiki kinerja keuangan yang merugi selama tujuh tahun berturut-turut. Restrukturisasi dilakukan terhadap organisasi, portofolio, dan keuangan. Untuk restrukturisasi organisasi produsen baja itu bakal memangkas 30 persen unit kerja setara 1.879 unit dari total 6.264 posisi saat ini. Itu berarti, jumlah unit kerja di perseroan menjadi 4.385 posisi usai pemangkasan.....